[All-in-One Aggregator]Tired of juggling between multiple news apps? Newsourcy brings together top headlines from reputable sources, covering a diverse range of topics, ensuring youre always in the know about what matters most.Say goodbye to scrolling through multiple apps. Newsourcy saves you time by bringing all your news in one place.[Real-time Updates]Be the first to know! Newsourcy delivers breaking news as it happens, keeping you informed with lightning-fast updates. Whether youre on your morning commute, relaxing at home, or traveling the globe, Newsourcy keeps you connected to the world.[No algorithms]Newsourcy aggregates and always gives you the latest, unfiltered news, in chronological order. So no filtering, no filter bubble, no shadow banning, but just the news that is out there, keeping you up-to-date with all the world events.[Reliable media]Read articles from a wide variety of trusted national and international sources, like reputable newspapers and widely read blogs, and discover interesting sources you didnt know about yet. Dont know what sources to follow? Browse through the list of categories, and you will certainly find the sources that interest you.[You are in control]By default, different sources are grouped under the headings "General", "Sports", "Economy" and "Tech". With a completely free account you can create the headings of your choosing, and then follow all of your favourite sources, in one central place.